Control of Broomrape Orobanche cumana Wallr.


S.V. Maslіiov, N.Ju. Macai, O.O. Beseda, V.V. Stepanov

We set the urgency of controlling Orobanche cumana Wallr. – a parasitic weed. The weed distribution is described, the regions of Ukraine with great number of Orobanche cumana are indicated. We also described the harmfulness of Orobanche cumana, loss of parts or all of the yield of sunflower, as well as the possibility of complete death of plants. We specified the morphological structure, biological characteristics, methods of distribution of seeds of Orobanche cumana, and germination and maturation. We underlined that parasite weeds penetrate into the root of the host plant and absorb water and nutrients from it with the help of gaustories. We suggested that these factors contribute to the infection of the sunflower by Orobanche cumana, the spread of the parasite and its racial composition. We preented the survey results regards the most productive measures of Orobanche cumana control. We described the classical methods of struggle against Orobanche cumana, which include: crop rotation, soil cultivation, and biological methods. We suggested that the modern, effective measures of struggle are the use of hybrids that genetically resistant to Orobanche cumana, the use of the production system "CLEARFIELD", and cultivation of sunflower using the technology "SUNEO".


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