Change of carbon’s contain of the main humuse’s groups of the black typical soil with the agriculture’s ecologization


O.A. Tsyuk, S.P. Tanchuk, L.V. Tsentulo, V.I. Kirilyuk, O.S. Pavlov, Y. Sleptsov

The results of investigations for the influence of different systems of the fertilizer and soil’s tillage on the carbon’s contains of the main humus groups in arable layer of black type soil in grain-tilled crop rotation are presented. Using of organic-minerals fertilization system was provided to improve of humus quality and increasing of the carbon’s contains to 1.81%, was broaden the ratio with Сhumic acids:Сfulvic acids to 1.85 compare with minerals fertilizer’s systems. Surface nonmoldboard soil tillage was increased to the output of humus matters compare with control variant.

Keywords: Fertilizer’s systems; humus; humic acids; fulvic acids

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