Blood-sucking midges ecology in pastures and cattle farms of the Tyumen Region


O. A. Fiodorova* and E. I. Sivkova

The article presents materials on the seasonal dynamics of the population of gnat on pasture and farm, shows the feasibility of protecting cattle from these insects both when grazing, and zero grazing, comparative harmfulness in conditional units, and presumed loss of animal productivity. The purpose of the study is to determine the parasitological situation on insects of the gnat complex, the terms of protection depending on the technology of cattle management.  One of the topical tasks for the successful development of livestock in the Tyumen region is to eliminate the harm caused by blood-sucking dipterous insects as hematophages and vectors pathogens of a number of dangerous diseases for humans and animals. When zero grazing indoor there is a mass attack of mosquitoes and black gnats on animals from mid-June to the middle of the first decade of July. The main gnat component in the specified time interval is mosquitoes, which have averaged 2.1 cu. The malicious population of gnat as a whole during this period amounted to 2.216 cu, and the estimated loss of productivity of animals — 8.2%.

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