
K. O. Rodionova*, O. T. Piven, M. S. Khimych, H. A. Skrypka, A. P. Paliy, I. V. Yatsenko, V. M. Steshenko and L. V. Вusol

The article provides an overview of the main methods of removing and disposing of animal by-products and technological approaches to Ukraine and the world. Based on relevant sources, the features of the main methods of animal carcass removal (sanitary disposal, composting, incineration, alkaline hydrolysis), their advantages and disadvantages are revealed, and their impact on the ecological state of the environment is revealed. The composting method’s universality and efficiency under the condition of observance of the corresponding technique and terms of its carrying out are covered. The necessity of control of the process of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter to prevent the spread of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms is substantiated. The expediency of introduction in Ukraine of technologies that allow receiving in processing by-products of animal origin biogas can be used as an alternative energy source. The paper also presents and substantiates the application of the thermal depolarization method to remove by-products of animal origin, which makes it possible to obtain solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels and some types of organic fertilizers and chemicals. The value of using animal by-products as additional sources of protein for animals and animal feed production is described. The normative-legal base of Ukraine on the issues of organic waste management and their processing is analyzed. Proposals for harmonization of national legislation with the requirements of the European Union are provided.

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