Assessment of weed species diversity on maize and wheat crops in Siltie and Gurage zones, Central Ethiopia
K. Bamud*, M. Kebede and B. Temam
Maize and wheat are important stable food and cash crops in Ethiopia. However, the productivity and quality of these crops are highly limited by high weed infestations. Identification and quantification of weeds are very important. The survey was conducted to identify and document weed species in study areas. Therefore, the objectives were to determine the distribution of weeds, to document major cereal crops weed species and to identify newly introduced weeds in study areas. The study was carried out in Siltie zone (Sankura and Lanfuro districts) and Gurage zone (Mareko and Meskan districts) during 2022 cropping season. A total of 22 fields for each crop were randomly assessed within minimum of 3 kilometres distance. The selected field was assessed by using 0.5 m × 0.5 m quadrants. The assessment in farms was performed with a simple random sampling technique by throwing quadrants. There were three random sampling sites per field taken. The survey result revealed that thirteen weed families and twenty nine weed species were identified in maize field while fifteen weed families and thirty weed species in wheat field. The family Poaceae, Asteraceae and Solanaceae were dominant families in both maize and wheat fields. The frequency (0.05 up to 0.95%) and the dominance (0.09% up to 38.55%) of weed species were recorded in maize field, while the frequency (0.05 up to 0.95%) and the dominance (0.05% up to 57.81) of weed species in wheat field. Galinsoga parviflora, Phalaris minor and Guzotia scabra weeds in maize field and Galinsoga parviflora, Avena fatua, Guzotia scabra, Phalaris minor and Cyperus species weeds in wheat field were the most frequent and dominant weeds in four selected districts.