Assessment of area tourist-recreational potential with honey palinological research
G.I. Nenasheva, Y.V. Kozyreva
The article summarized an experience of analysis of the development of ideas in the methodological sphere of recreational geography in connection with the problem of studying the quality of the human environment. And also due to the active development of rural tourism and increased interest in food quality, the most important of which is honey. We applied the generally accepted methods for assessing the tourist and recreational potential of the territory and the results of additional melissopalinological analysis on the example of the Charysh district of the Altai region. An expanded approach in assessing tourism and recreational potential is important for the development of rural tourism, interested administrative and economic entities to create coordinated decisions on the economic development of the Altai region.
Keywords: Tourist and recreational assessment, rural tourism, melissopalynological analysis, honey resources, Altai region, Charyshsky district