Accumulation of zinc and copper compounds and their effect on assimilation system in Trifolium pratense L.


H.M. Denchylia-Sakal, V.P. Gandzyura, A.V. Kolesnyk

The peculiarities of Zn and Cu accumulation by the red clover Trifolium pratense L., condition of the pigment system of the red clover leaves in the presence of environmental pollution caused by these metals are specified in this work. Amount of chlorophyll а+b in the leaves has been evaluated. It has been established that when the accepatable level of HM had been exceeded tenfold, chlorophyll content in comparison with the control decreased by 60 - 80%. An experiment showed that when different concentrations of the studied metals were brought into the soil, chlorophyll content pollution to 1 MAC level was almost identical to or even exceeded the control points. Only when MAC was exceeded five-fold and tenfold, the pigment count level in the cells decreased sharply. When the metal concentration on the soil increased, Trifolium pratense lamina area decreased. It has been established that the maximum level of chlorophyll а+b can be observed during flower-bud formation, and the lowest consolidated figures are reached during flowering.
Keywords: accumulation; heavy metals; zinc; copper; chlorophyll а+b; Trifolium pratense L.
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